The writing & works of

Fr. Victor Szczurek, O.Praem.

Day Twenty | The Great Fast

Why must we fast? God is merciful -- but He is also just. Fasting gives us an opportunity to act, in our own way, to make restitution for our sins.


Day Nineteen | The Great Fast

No one can come to the knowledge of God, except through humility. Today, as we fast, let us do so in an effort to grow in humility.


Day Eighteen | The Great Fast

The third reason we fast is to make reparation for sins. Even if this were the only reason to fast, we would have enough mortification to last us an entire lifetime!


Day Seventeen | The Great Fast

Today, let us consider a second reason to fast: that fasting helps us contemplate higher things. Deny yourself the bread of this world, and you will grow hungry for the bread of angels.


Day Sixteen | The Great Fast

One way fasting helps us is to reign in our passions. When we have mastery over licit pleasures (like the table!) we are able to guard against the illicit pleasures of the word around us.


Holy Souls Novena

Praying for the dead is an important work of mercy, and a meaningful reminder of own mortality. In this Novena, Fr. Victor guides us through short, thoughtful reflections on our relationship (and obligation!) to the dead.


Why the Church Celebrates Mary's Immaculate Conception

One cannot help but wonder why God had waited 1854 years before He had His Church proclaim the Immaculate Conception a revealed dogma of the faith.


Four Weeks to Go Looking for the Savior of the World

“To You Lord I have lifted up my soul…”. These words, which we prayed in today’s Introit, and which start us off on this Season of Advent—the immediate preparation for Christmas—have a touch of “holy irony” about them, an irony which will be completely manifest on Christmas Morning.


Signs of God

We’ve all heard countless times in our life complaints that go something like, “God is so distant from me…He doesn’t care about me…He never speaks to me…
