Abbey Life

Hidden in the mountains of southern California, St. Michael’s Abbey seeks to live an authentic Christian life – life at its happiest and best, where we recognize that all creation is a gift, and that all our lives can be given as a gift back to our Creator. In our work, in our study, and in our prayer, St. Michael’s Abbey lives the ancient and vital tradition of abbey life.

A Call to Hope (Ordinations, 2024)

As they begin their new lives of service, two newly-ordained priests reflect on the profound and urgent work to which they have been called—and to which they have vowed their lives.

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A Call to Hope (Ordinations, 2024)

As they begin their new lives of service, two newly-ordained priests reflect on the profound and urgent work to which they have been called—and to which they have vowed their lives.


Celebrating Our Namesake

In recent years, a new and joyful tradition has developed for the Feast of St. Norbert: our community uses the happy occasion to host a small festival at the abbey to honor our founder!


An Incalculable Gift

As his ordination to the priesthood draws near, Frater Gerard reflects on the grace that has carried him to this joyful moment, and the significant gift that the priesthood is.


An Unshakable Purpose

As his ordination to the priesthood draws near, Frater Moses notes that in spite of the fallibility of priests, Jesus Christ underwrites the stable reality of the sacraments by His own divine omnipotence.‍


The Mindszenty Lecture, 2024

Fifty years ago, the Venerable Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty visited St. Michael’s Abbey. In marking this anniversary publicly, the abbey community invited Ambassador Eduard von Habsburg, Hungary’s ambassador to the Holy See and to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, to give two lectures.


What Does an Abbey Do?

What is a monastery? One way to answer this question is to look at the fruits of its work. In this short video, confreres and lay faithful talk about the impact of St. Michael's Abbey in their lives.


Selected Works from Our Community

Here at St. Michael’s Abbey, the beautiful literary tradition of monasteries continues in the scholarly work of many of our confreres.


Abbey Life Update (December, 2023)

As the year draws to a close, we reflect fondly on some of the particular joys of the last couple of months.


A Christmas Message from the Abbot

All of which is truly beautiful in our life is a gift. In this spirit, Fr. Abbot reflects on the gifts of the past year.


The Newly Vested (2023)

Just before None on Christmas Eve, Fr. Abbot vested five new novices in the white habit and gave them their new name and religious patron.


Who was Henry Chadwick?

Few are aware that a world-class research collection assembled by an ‘aristocrat among British scholars’ now sits at St. Michael’s Abbey.


Henry Chadwick’s Library

The Chadwick Collection represents 60 years of work by a brilliant theologian--and a serious bibliophile!


The Journey to California

Far from the Oxford of John Henry Newman and J.R.R. Tolkein, or any of Chadwick’s numerous disciples, we get a sense of the divine imagination at work in the American West.
