The writing & works of

Dominique-Marie Dauzet, O.Praem.

The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 3 | Part 3

Norbert and his companions travel north and into present day France, driven by a powerful zeal to preach the Gospel. So great is his desire to bear witness to Christ, that exhaustion, hunger, and tragedy do not daunt him.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 3 | Part 2

In the perpetual motion that was medieval life, pilgrimage held an important place. This outward expression of the interior life is a fitting metaphor for the journey Norbert finds himself on as we resume our story..


The Eternal Pilgrim | Meet the Author | Part 1

Recently, Fr. Ambrose Criste had the opportunity to sit down with Fr. Dominique-Marie Dauzet at Notre Dame de Sarrance, a Norbertine priory in France. Dauzet wrote Petite Vie de Saint Norbert. Our love for this book motivated its first-ever English translation, which we are so grateful to be sharing with you this month.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 3 | Part 1

We resume our story as Norbert struggles to follow his newfound resolutions. As Norbert works through his discernment--landing himself in a little trouble along the way--we see Norbert begin to develop a unique, courageous, and sometimes fiery voice and a firm resolve to serve the Lord and His Church.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 2 | Part 2

An astonishing brush with death sends Norbert on his own "Road to Damascus." In this selection, we tease out the finer details of Norbert's conversion story to examine, anew, the theological richness and radical significance of conversion.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 2 | Part 1

Tensions rise between Pope Paschal II and the conniving Henry V, part of the turbulent Investiture Controversy. Intrigue, deceit, violence, and kidnapping mark this stormy episode in history. And as a chaplain to a German court, Norbert is swept into the fray, and finds himself in Rome—far from home and troubled by all that he sees.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Foreword

Discover the historical context of St. Norbert's life, and learn a bit about the sources that help us follow in this holy saint's footsteps!


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 1 | Part 2

We continue our story by looking at young Norbert's education at the Collegiate Church of Xanten--a charming glimpse into what clerical schooling looked like many years ago! We follow his early career, too, and the beginning of his internal struggle with God's call.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 1 | Part 1

Our story begins over 900 years ago in Xanten, France, an industrious little medieval town named for heroic martyrs.
