The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 1 | Part 2

We continue our story by looking at young Norbert's education at the Collegiate Church of Xanten--a charming glimpse into what clerical schooling looked like many years ago! We follow his early career, too, and the beginning of his internal struggle with God's call.

Chapter One, Part Two

We continue our story by looking at young Norbert's education at the Collegiate Church of Xanten--a charming glimpse into what clerical schooling looked like many years ago! This was a life suffused with the beauty and mystery of liturgical life. We also learn of other influential figures who crossed Norbert's path, including a now-well-known saint.

Here, we also see Norbert's internal discernment begin as he grapples with the allure of a powerful career. Did he know, in the depths of his heart, that each day he was moving further away from the God of his youth, the One that loved pure and undivided hearts?


This is part of The Eternal Pilgrim series. You can find the rest of the program content here.

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