The writing & works of

Fr. Louis Hager

A Message of Encouragement from Fr. Louis

What we do as Christians during Lent is united toward a singular, beautiful goal: the Resurrection of our Lord.


Day Ten | The Great Fast

It would do us well to look back and see just how things have gone this past week. Look intensely: how did God's grace work in our lives each day? We need to spend more time on how much we desire God.


Day Nine | The Great Fast

Today we can look to the example of St. Polycarp, a hero in the early and persecuted Church. He is a most worthy model for our imitation as we strive to offer up sacrifices with total abandon.


Day Eight | The Great Fast

Christ gave his followers the security of the universal Church, and the authority over the Church to one man: Peter. This sharing of power is a great and wonderful mystery, and gives us insight into how God is calling us to holiness.


Day Seven | The Great Fast

The story of Nineveh is incredible proof of how the grace and mercy of God can turn the hearts of even the most hardened of sinners -- even if that grace and mercy come through Jonah's imperfect obedience.


Day Six | The Great Fast

A pilgrimage is about the day-to-day movement toward the holy end. So here we are today: not just another day of Lent, but an opportunity to make progress and to grow in virtue.


Let Our Faith Be Awakened

Christ, in His tremendous free gift of the liturgy, given for our consolation, for our right up-building (or edification), for our correct formation of those acts we must necessarily give back to Him—our religion—, He has given us this day at least the single lesson of learning to listen, to long for, to hope for that one thing just out of sight.


Joy and Prayer and Grace

Fr. Louis, the chaplain for the Abbey's Summer Camp, reflects on the joy of guiding young souls to Christ--and finding Christ in children!
