A Call to Hope

As they begin their new lives of service, two newly-ordained priests reflect on the profound and urgent work to which they have been called—and to which they have vowed their lives.

This past weekend saw two young men from our community (Fr. Moses Blain, O.Praem. and Fr. Gerard Juhasz, O.Praem.) ordained to the priesthood. As they begin their new lives of service, the two newly-ordained priests reflect on the profound and urgent work to which they have been called—and to which they have vowed their lives.

Ordinations are always occasions of great joy. But lately, it seems, they serve as an even greater sign of Christian hope. Ours is an age marked by deep anxiety, and by a real and desperate fear about the future—that is to say, ours is an age in desperate need of holy priests! 

By their life of prayer and their sacramental and ministerial work, the priests in our community are called each and every day to fight on the front lines of this great spiritual battle by bringing God’s mercy to sinners, His joy to the sorrowful, His peace to the anxious, and His consolation to the dying.

Thank you.

We want to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting the various ministries that the Norbertine Canons of St. Michael's Abbey carry out each day. This work is made possible by the grace of God and by your prayers and generosity. By your membership in the Abbot's Circle, you are part of a beautiful and meaningful collaboration with the Norbertines as we work, together, to build up the Kingdom of God.

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