A Pilgrim's Prayer to Saint Norbert

O glorious St. Norbert, once a pilgrim like ourselves on earth: lead us to rejoice with you one day in the land of eternal Easter.

O glorious St. Norbert, once a pilgrim like ourselves on earth: lead us to rejoice with you one day in the land of eternal Easter. 

St. Norbert, wondrously converted by the mercy of God: pray that we may be ever open to the grace of repentance and a change of heart.

St. Norbert, ardent reformer of Holy Mother Church: kindle in our hearts that fire which makes the Church new again.

St. Norbert, burning lamp placed on a lampstand and giving light to all in the house: intercede for us to constantly strive for that holiness which makes the Church radiant in all her beauty. 

St. Norbert, marvelous and eloquent preacher of the Word: grant us to know deeply the transforming power and sweetness of God’s holy Word.

St. Norbert, on fire with zeal for souls and the glory of God: banish the sluggish winter of our hearts and dispel the mists which darken our souls and slow the forward progress of our journey.

St. Norbert, mirror of true penance: teach us to generously embrace the Cross of Jesus and to carry it manfully in this valley of tears.

St. Norbert, great lover of holy poverty: help us to let go of the passing things of this world to make room in our hearts for the things which endure.

St. Norbert, valiant champion of the jewel of priestly celibacy: teach us to hold fast in our day to this treasure lived and handed down to us by the holy Apostles.

St. Norbert, inspired by God to bring the priestly and monastic ideals together in a fruitful and life-giving union: grant to the Church of our time an abundance of holy priests after the Heart of the Savior.

St. Norbert, founder of the ancient Order of Prémontré: win for your white-clad sons and daughters the grace to adorn Holy Church with the witness of their faithful life in community and the splendor of their holiness.

St. Norbert, lover of God before all else and of your brethren in God: teach us to prove the genuineness of our love for God each day by the faithful love we bestow on our fellow pilgrims.

St. Norbert, shining light of prayer and contemplation for the people of your time: may your example inspire us to thirst for the one thing necessary and to drink deeply of the fountain of living waters.

St. Norbert, lover of silence and solitude: teach us, away from the noise and the crowds, to enter the silent land within and there to take our rest.

St. Norbert, child of the Sacred Liturgy and ardent chanter of its inspired Psalms: teach us to lighten the burden of our homeward journey by singing faithfully each day the praises of our mighty King and Lord.

St. Norbert, zealous defender and ardent lover of the Most Holy Eucharist: grant by your prayers that we may love, celebrate, reverence and receive the Sacred Mysteries as you did.

St. Norbert, beloved son of the Virgin Mother: pray that we may always grasp tightly the hand of our Mother who holds us ever close to the Heart of Her Divine Son.

St. Norbert, devoted son and faithful servant of the Roman Pontiff: pray for us that we may persevere to the end in fidelity to the Church built on the rock of St. Peter.

St. Norbert, friend of the small and great alike: help us not to exclude anyone from the horizons of our love.

St. Norbert, respecter of God and not of man: set us free from all slavery to human respect.

St. Norbert, terrible to demons and heretics alike: banish the forces of the ‘Prince of this world’ from our path and dispel the darkness of error from our fragile pilgrim hearts.

St. Norbert, angel of peace and restorer of concord: by your intercession win for us amid the storms of our time the blessing to be peacemakers, and to walk as true children of the Prince of peace.

St. Norbert, ready at every moment to lay down your life for your Divine Friend: beg God to grant us a grateful love for the Savior who has laid down His life for us.

O glorious St. Norbert, once a pilgrim like ourselves on earth: thank you for your marvelous witness of holiness and love; may we love what you loved, and live as you taught us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mary, Queen of the white-robed army, pray for us! 

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