Each year on June 6 we commemorate the Feast of St. Norbert, tireless defender of the Gospel and founder of our order.
This feast day has, of course, long been an important one for our Norbertine community. In recent years, however, a new and joyful tradition has developed: our community uses the happy occasion to host a small festival at the abbey to honor our founder! In addition to Holy Mass and a procession (and blessing!) with relics of St. Norbert, this celebration is a sort of "open house" in which the community can come share in the beauty of Abbey life.
This year's festivities were a particular blessing, because they coincided with the First Professions of Fr. Angelo, Fr. Matthias, and Fr. Herman Joseph. In front of Fr. Abbot and in the company of a congregation that filled our abbey church to capacity, these men took the next step toward becoming full members of our community.
Following Holy Mass and the procession, guests were invited to the courtyard to enjoy festive foods, beer brewed our Norbertine community, and live entertainment. What a gift this feast was for our community! Hospitality is a true hallmark of Christian society, and time spent in the company of faithful men and women is a real foretaste of the joy of heaven.
As we continue to settle into our abbey home--it is three years, now, since the dedication of the church--we take real delight in the new and beautiful traditions that are developing, and we expect this annual celebration to continue for years to come. St. Norbert, pray for us!