Living Our Norbertine Charism in the Parish Setting

Fr. Ambrose Criste sits down with Fr. Claude Williams to explore how living the Norbertine charism—rooted in Eucharistic devotion and communal life—translates into vibrant parish ministry.‍

Living the Norbertine Charism of "Communio" in Parish Life

How do Norbertine priests harmonize the contemplative depth of canonical life with the pastoral demands of parish ministry? In this interview, Fr. Ambrose Criste sits down with Fr. Claude Williams, Pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul Parish in Wilmington, California, to explore the profound ways the Norbertine charism—rooted in Eucharistic devotion and the communal life or"communio"—is incarnated in the parish setting.

For those less familiar with the apostolic dimension of Norbertine spirituality, this conversation unveils the rich, often unseen, work that extends beyond the abbey’s cloistered walls. While many are acquainted with the rigorous liturgical and canonical traditions of Norbertine life, fewer realize how these elements permeate our ministry in diocesan parishes and schools. Here, Fr. Claude reflects on the complex spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral challenges of integrating monastic values into the diverse and dynamic environment of a modern parish, offering a glimpse into how the Norbertine charism animates and elevates parish life.

Since this interview, Fr. Claude has been appointed as the Rector of the Collegio San Norberto at the international generalate house of the Norbertine Order in Rome. His years of faithful service as pastor in Wilmington have left an indelible mark, helping to transform the parish into a true dwelling of God’s grace. We extend our deepest gratitude to Fr. Claude for sharing his wisdom and for exemplifying how the Norbertine charism is lived out in the service of souls. May his new assignment in Rome continue to bear the fruit of the “communio” that lies at the heart of our Order.

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