Novena to St. Michael | Day Seven: The Agony in the Garden

St. Michael understands us perfectly in our sorrows and anxieties as well as our joys, and loves us with an unimaginable focus and intensity.

Although as God, Christ is infinitely more powerful than even the highest of angels, as true man, he was weaker than they with a body and emotions, things which pure spirits far surpass in their operations. And so, in a great mystery, Christ is consoled by angels in the Garden.

St. Michael understands us perfectly in our sorrows and anxieties as well as our joys, and loves us with an unimaginable focus and intensity. The great archangel with his hosts is worthy of our greatest trust and confidence. Let us go to him for the right ordering of our feelings so that we may join him in serving Christ the Lord with hearts made right!

This reflection is part of a Novena to St. Michael the Archangel, in preparation for Michaelmas. Learn more here.

Novena Prayer to St. Michael

Great Saint Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Host,

your name is a question filled with awe: "Who is like God?"

Your vocation is to reveal His power and His wisdom,

and so your name teaches us that nothing can compare with His might and goodness.

What is there that we cannot hope to receive from God's hand through your intercession and care?

We entrust to you the intentions we bring in this novena:

for Holy Church in Her trials; for our homelands so much in

need of healing and grace; for our families who are shielded

by the angels who guard us on our way to heaven;

for the sick; for sinners; for the dying;

for our dear, departed loved ones; and for protection

from all the forces of evil who oppose these intentions.

We expect great things and abundant blessings as we invoke you.

Christ the Lord is your King and ours; we are safe under your

shield and with your fiery sword of burning love for Him.

We thank you in advance for the gifts to be obtained in this

novena and promise in our gratitude to make your name

and devotion known as much as we are able.

Blessed be God, glorious in His fair hosts of angels led by you,

Michael, the leader of the bodiless powers of heaven!


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