The Eternal Pilgrim | Thank You

‍St. Norbert was an agent of powerful reform who bore incredible witness to the Gospel. In our own way, we hope that content like this inspires and edifies all of you, and that it brings you into a deeper relationship with Christ.

We’ve been delighted and humbled at the response we have seen from so many of you as we make our way through The Eternal Pilgrim. Rediscovering the life of St. Norbert and sharing the moving story of his conversion with others has been a true joy. 

St. Norbert was an agent of powerful reform who bore incredible witness to the Gospel. In our own way, we hope that the work that we do carries on this legacy, and we pray that content like this brings you into a deeper relationship with Christ.

This content (and all content on the Abbot’s Circle site) is the fruit of the support of our benefactors. In a special way, we’re grateful to members of the Abbot’s Circle—the dedicated list of monthly donors who advance our mission through their prayers and generosity. If you are not a member of the Abbot’s Circle, we encourage you to prayerfully consider joining this group of faithful men and women from all over the world who work with us in advancing the Gospel.  

Join the Abbot's Circle here.

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