The writing & works of
With Lent just a week away, Fr. Ambrose had a chance to sit down with TK to discuss how this "minimalist" approach can help guide our prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during this holy season of penance.
Rediscover the Scriptural precedent, the historical context, and the contemporary relevance of the season Pre-Lent.
The Evermode Institute is the modern incarnation of a centuries-long reality of religious orders in the world of Catholic education.
Throughout his conversation with Fr. Ambrose, Mr. Castillo takes a sober and often uncomfortable look at the problems that beset contemporary Catholic schools--and what we need to do to fix them.
As a preaching order, Norbertines have a long history with education. That ministry finds a unique expression—with its own set of joys and challenges—in today's educational landscape.
Much of Catholic social thought begins with the family. This is why, claims Fr. Hugh, that education must take place in (and support the efforts of) the family.
Since the Enlightenment and the Revolutions it fostered, the Church has navigated a treacherous and sterile social and intellectual landscape. Through it all, Education has remained a chief concern.
Fr. Hugh and Fr. Ambrose shared their reflections on why this particular feast is so dear to our community and how it can be summed up in one word—beauty.
We can do a lot for those who have died - at their funerals, at Holy Mass, and in our daily prayers.
We can extend so much to those who are dying. Forgiveness, the sacraments, and love are so crucial in these final moments.
We'll begin our series by exploring death itself--its significance as a natural part of life, the fear we feel because of it, and the need to prepare spiritually for this important moment.