The writing & works of
Celebration, far from being an incidental feature of Catholic life, is deeply woven into the fabric of the Church’s life, her spiritual and liturgical traditions.
Just as the priests must live in service to the laity, the faithful have an opportunity (and, indeed, an obligation!) to support priests with their prayers, their generosity, and their honesty.
This wide ranging and insightful conversation--part of an exclusive interview with Cardinal Burke--covers a lot of ground and tackles some pressing topics that are particular to our age.
Our religion is no mere ideology or moral code: it is a living relationship with Christ, Our Lord and Our Brother. This is why the devotional life, which helps our Faith find expression in our daily life, is so important.
In this short interview--the first of four in a new series--His Eminence talks about the meaning of the sacred priesthood. Join us as we delve into the role of a shepherd, the love of the Savior to which the priesthood bears witness, and the ultimate value of the sacraments and the Holy Mass.
Fr. Dominique-Marie muses a bit about the challenges of writing, the relationship that authors have with their readers, and the joy that is inherent in telling such an important story.
St. Norbert was an agent of powerful reform who bore incredible witness to the Gospel. In our own way, we hope that content like this inspires and edifies all of you, and that it brings you into a deeper relationship with Christ.
Fr. Dominique-Marie explores St. Norbert's motivation, and the dream that this holy saint had had to restore the beauty of the Church. This dream, Fr. Dominique-Marie tells us, is the very same dream that inspires the work of Norbertines today.
In this second part of our interview, Fr. Doiminique-Marie reflects on his relationship with the life of St. Norbert, and what drew him to tell the story of this holy Saint to modern audiences.
Recently, Fr. Ambrose Criste had the opportunity to sit down with Fr. Dominique-Marie Dauzet at Notre Dame de Sarrance, a Norbertine priory in France. Dauzet wrote Petite Vie de Saint Norbert. Our love for this book motivated its first-ever English translation, which we are so grateful to be sharing with you this month.
People fast for all kinds of worldly reasons -- health or beauty or athletic pursuits. But true fasting has a more important end in view: God Himself.
Do you remember when you heard your Lord's call to follow Him? He continues to call.
The Fridays of Lent give us the opportunity to reflect on the Lord's Passion. They are "practice," in a sense, for Good Friday, and an opportunity for grace.