The Face of Christ in Me

The newly ordained priests reflect on their experience of this momentous day.

July was a particularly blessed month for St. Michael's Abbey. Our community witnessed the priestly ordinations of Fathers Lazarus McDonald, O.Praem. and Alcuin Friesen, O.Praem., as well as the diaconate ordinations of fraters Moses Pavel Luke Blain, O.Praem. and Gerard Paul Juhasz, O.Praem.

Though year after year we observe these momentous occasions, we are constantly humbled by the way Christ is working in these men's lives, and sustaining the great tradition of Catholic monasteries into the modern world. We are indebted to, and grateful for, your prayers and interest in St. Michael's Abbey.

In this new video, The Face of Christ in Me, the two newly ordained priests reflect on their journey to the priesthood and what this special day was like for them.

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