What Is an Abbey?

For centuries, abbeys have safeguarded culture, created stunning sacred art, unearthed profound scientific discoveries, and served as centers of charity and refuge for the poor and marginalized.

For centuries…

Abbeys have safeguarded culture, created stunning sacred art, unearthed profound scientific discoveries, and served as centers of charity and refuge for the poor and marginalized.

Over the years, monastic life has given us music notation, the university system, hospitals, the clock, cellular biology, agricultural science, and some of the best beer in the world.

Foundations of Civilization

Abbeys are the foundations of civilization – places where man can live out his vocation in community with others and in service to God.

In our work, in our study, and in our prayer, the Norbertines of St. Michael’s Abbey serve in this vital legacy.

We are a center for scholarship and craftsmanship, teaching, art and music, hospitality, and holiness. Above all, we are a place for common worship and prayer.

Encounter the Beauty

Here, in the mountains of southern California, St. Michael’s Abbey seeks to live an authentic Christian life – life at its happiest and best, where we recognize that all creation is a gift, and that all our lives can be given as a gift back to our Creator.

It is a place for all to encounter the unfathomable beauty of God and to enter into the mystery of His unrelenting love.

And it is a starting point through which we can begin laying a new foundation for a renewal in our Church and our society — just as abbeys have always done, and just as they will always do.

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