A New Month-long Challenge on the Abbot's Circle (STARTED ON MAY 6)
A Journey Through the Life of St. Norbert

In preparation for the Feast of St. Norbert on June 6, join this virtual pilgrimage with the Norbertines as they read to you the life of their founder.

The journey begins...

The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 5 | Part 2

Unhappy with the new order’s spiritual work, demonic forces and human weakness conspire to tempt the canons from abandoning their holy way of life. But amidst these spiritual battles, this new “spiritual militia” grows slowly and steadily in holiness.‍


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 5 | Part 1

Norbert works to establish a monastery in his new home and begins his life with his new companions. A short journey gathers some important, early disciples: holy men like Evermode, Anthony, and Hugh. Norbert is inspired by the virtue of these early recruits. But beyond this, Norbert finds in these companions true friendship. 


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 4 | Part 3

With the help of Pope Callistus and Bishop Bartholomew, Norbert begins to channel his reformist zeal into something lasting. And after a little trial and error, Norbert finds a true path forward—and at last, a home.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 4 | Part 2

Here, at this last milestone before the foundation of the Order of Prémontré, Norbert finds a true friendship and counsel in the bishop Bartholomew. ‍Given his importance to our story, it is worth taking a look at the life and work of this extraordinary bishop.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 4 | Part 1

The election of a new pope ushers in a spirit of renewal into the Church. Amidst this excitement, Norbert journeys to Reims. There, on a road outside of town, a chance encounter with a bishop sets a series of events in motion that will, in time, change the course of Church history!


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 3 | Part 3

Norbert and his companions travel north and into present day France, driven by a powerful zeal to preach the Gospel. So great is his desire to bear witness to Christ, that exhaustion, hunger, and tragedy do not daunt him.

About the program

Sinner to Saint. Ordinary to Extraordinary. As relevant today as he was a millennium ago, St. Norbert’s life shows us the heroic adventure in living for Christ which takes joy, struggle, failure and victory in its stride. Walk with us as we strive to imitate his virtues, let his life inspire us to greater things, and complete our own conversions from sinners to saints!

Join the Norbertines of St. Michael’s Abbey for this unique program as we prepare together for the feast of St. Norbert on June 6th.

A first time offer

Captivated by the original French story, our confreres translated Petite Vie de Saint Norbert into English for the first time. Wanting to broaden the reach of this exemplary saint, we designed this special offer specifically for our online community so that by going deeper into the life of St. Norbert, you will find the inspiration for conversion of heart and joy in the hope of lasting holiness.

We challenge you to make the pilgrimage: take time every day to prepare for this feast. Now is the acceptable time! Know of our prayers for you as we prepare together for the feast of a saint so dear to our community.

A Story Worth Telling

Fr. Dominique-Marie Dauzet, O.Praem., a French Norbertine and canon of the Abbey of Mondaye in Normandy, France, wrote a book titled Petite vie de saint Norbert, first published in 1995 and again in a second edition in 2013. In 1996 this work was awarded the prix Montyon by the Académie française commending it for its “elevated character and moral usefulness.”

Fr. Norbert introduced this book to the novices of St. Michael’s Abbey in 2022, with his own English translation under the title The Eternal Pilgrim: A life of St. Norbert. The book was read as table reading at the Abbey’s 2023 annual retreat  and was received by the community with an enthusiasm never before seen regarding a book about St. Norbert.

Fr. Abbot and the confreres wanted to share this amazing book about their Founder with family and friends online. The Abbot’s Circle is now making the first ever English translation of this book available to the abbey’s online community of friends through this program.

Throughout the series, you can expect…
Daily AudioBOOK recordings from ST MICHAEL'S ABBEY

Get daily emails with links to the audio recordings from the book, read by Fr. Norbert, culminating on the eve of the Feast of St. Norbert.

WEEKLY Meet the Author videos FROM  Sarrance, France

Each Sunday for the duration of the program, get exclusive access to Fr. Ambrose's recent trip to France to interview the author, Fr. Dauzet.