The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 4 | Part 3

With the help of Pope Callistus and Bishop Bartholomew, Norbert begins to channel his reformist zeal into something lasting. And after a little trial and error, Norbert finds a true path forward—and at last, a home.

Chapter Four, Part Three

Norbert considers a calling greater than his current life as a spiritual vagabond. With the help of Pope Callistus and Bishop Bartholomew, Norbert begins to channel his reformist zeal into something lasting.

Nothing happens at once. Norbert finds himself briefly in charge of a group of canons who want nothing to do with him, and his friends are concerned that Norbert will again wander. But after a little trial and error, Norbert finds a true path forward—and at last, a home.


This is part of The Eternal Pilgrim series. You can find the rest of the program content here.

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