The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 4 | Part 2

Here, at this last milestone before the foundation of the Order of Prémontré, Norbert finds a true friendship and counsel in the bishop Bartholomew. ‍Given his importance to our story, it is worth taking a look at the life and work of this extraordinary bishop.

Chapter Four, Part Two

Here, at this last milestone before the foundation of the Order of Prémontré, Norbert finds a true friendship and counsel in the bishop Bartholomew.

An adept manager, a charming diplomat, a wise scholar, and, above all, a deeply holy man, Bartholomew's influence forges Norbert's desire to leave all and pursue Christ through the foundation of a new order. Given his importance to our story, it is worth taking a look at the life and work of this extraordinary bishop.


This is part of The Eternal Pilgrim series. You can find the rest of the program content here.

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