The writing & works of

Dominique-Marie Dauzet, O.Praem.

The Eternal Pilgrim | Epilogue | Part 3

‍We look, at last, to the enduring legacy of St. Norbert. In particular, we hear of "The California Miracle," that is, the story of our own beloved home: St. Michael's Abbey.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Epilogue | Part 2

The Counter Reformation and the Thirty Years War plunges much of Europe into chaos, and efforts are made to retrieve Norbert's remains from Lutheran territory. So it comes to pass that even in death, Norbert again assumes the role as pilgrim


The Eternal Pilgrim | Epilogue | Part 1

An exhausted Norbert is brought home. Twenty years of travel, fasting, and tireless work have taken their toll on the just and holy man.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Meet the Author | Part 4

Fr. Dominique-Marie muses a bit about the challenges of writing, the relationship that authors have with their readers, and the joy that is inherent in telling such an important story.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 10 | Part 3

The exiled pope travels through France. It is here that Norbert, of all people, is blessed to deliver the news that the pontiff has secured the support needed to return to Rome and reclaim the throne of Peter from the anti-pope who is holding it captive.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 10 | Part 2

The intense trials he faces are not enough to deter Norbert from founding communities in Saxony.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 10 | Part 1

Trials, intrigue, betrayal, and even assassination attempts mark this next chapter of Norbert's life.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 9 | Part 3

With Norbert away in his capacity as bishop, the community at Premontre will need an abbot if if is to survive.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 9 | Part 2

Now a recently-consecrated bishop, Norbert finds himself an important figure of the empire.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 9 | Part 1

A new emperor oversees the eastward expansion of the empire and, with it, the expansion of Christendom into half-pagan lands. And this expansion needs a holy man to guide it.‍ Providence again directs a reluctant Norbert into the breach.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 8 | Part 2

As we reflect on the events marking Norbert's path to the episcopate, we begin introducing Norbert as a martyr. Not in the proper sense of the term, but in the figurative sense of a religious life sacrificed for the sake of an episcopal service in which he would expend his last energies.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 8 | Part 1

In June of 1124, we find Norbert giving a canonical form to the monasteries under his charge. And, by a twist of Providence, Norbert finds himself playing matchmaker for a virtuous prince.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Meet the Author | Part 3

Fr. Dominique-Marie explores St. Norbert's motivation, and the dream that this holy saint had had to restore the beauty of the Church. This dream, Fr. Dominique-Marie tells us, is the very same dream that inspires the work of Norbertines today.
