The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 8 | Part 1

In June of 1124, we find Norbert giving a canonical form to the monasteries under his charge. And, by a twist of Providence, Norbert finds himself playing matchmaker for a virtuous prince.

Chapter Eight, Part One

In June of 1124, we find Norbert giving a canonical form to the monasteries under his charge. This includes an effort to gain formal, papal recognition of their new institution--a means by which Norbert could better unite the disparate communities that now spanned several countries.

By this recognition, the canons regular of Prémontré are called to bear witness to the light of Christ. They soon have an opportunity to do so to a very important visitor and, by a twist of Providence, Norbert finds himself playing matchmaker for a virtuous prince.


This is part of The Eternal Pilgrim series. You can find the rest of the program content here.

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