The Eternal Pilgrim | Epilogue | Part 3

‍We look, at last, to the enduring legacy of St. Norbert. In particular, we hear of "The California Miracle," that is, the story of our own beloved home: St. Michael's Abbey.

Epilogue, Part Three

We look, at last, to the enduring legacy of St. Norbert. In particular, we hear of "The California Miracle," that is, the story of our own beloved home: St. Michael's Abbey. This is a story of daring escapes, brushes with death, and tremendous and dauntless faith. It is a story of charity and grace.

And it is a story that we continue to write each and ever day, owing in no small part to the help and prayers and support of faithful Catholics from around the world. Together, we all have a share in the legacy of St. Norbert, the "Eternal Pilgrim."

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