The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 6 | Part 1

Norbert shows great courage and steadfast faith at a series of exorcisms, which helps sway public opinion in favor of his new order and its work. We reflect a bit, here, on the importance of relics in the medieval Church.

Chapter Six, Part One

Norbert travels in search of new followers for his growing order. Though these travels do not always find great success, Norbert is undeterred. Norbert shows great courage and steadfast faith at a series of exorcisms, which helps sway public opinion in favor of his new order and its work.

In Cologne, Norbert secures some important relics for his new church. We reflect a bit, here, on the importance of relics in the medieval Church.


This is part of The Eternal Pilgrim series. You can find the rest of the program content here.

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