The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 7 | Part 1

Even as the new church at Prémontré begins to rise to the heavens, Norbert again sets out to recruit more young men to the new order.

Chapter Seven, Part One

Even as the new church at Prémontré begins to rise to the heavens, Norbert again sets out to recruit more young men to the new order. His efforts are not in vain. Word has spread like fire of the important and holy work being carried out by this young group. Soon, new communities begin to flower, drawing even a count and countess to the order. More glorious, still: Norbert is blessed with a Eucharistic miracle.

Meanwhile, ongoing political tensions create an unusual opportunity for Norbert to convert a castle into a religious community--though this acquisition is not without its own set of social challenges, death threats, and political intrigue!


This is part of The Eternal Pilgrim series. You can find the rest of the program content here.

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