The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 7 | Part 3

We look, at last, at the Abbey of St. Michael of Antwerp, a foundation that was to exercise a great deal of influence.

Chapter Seven, Part Three

We look, at last, at the Abbey of St. Michael of Antwerp, a foundation that was to exercise a great deal of influence. Reform in this abbey ministers to a great spiritual drought in this important city.

This ministry, as it happens, is not light work. For some time, the faithful here have suffered under the selfish, heretical influence of a local scoundrel who masqueraded as a saint. In time, however, and with great patience, Norbert and his successors are able to bring souls back to the Church and to the Eucharist.


This is part of The Eternal Pilgrim series. You can find the rest of the program content here.

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