The writing & works of

Dominique-Marie Dauzet, O.Praem.

The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 7 | Part 3

We look, at last, at the Abbey of St. Michael of Antwerp, a foundation that was to exercise a great deal of influence.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 7 | Part 2

As the order grows, Norbert must consider the future of these new houses, which requires a good bit of faith and trust!


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 7 | Part 1

Even as the new church at Prémontré begins to rise to the heavens, Norbert again sets out to recruit more young men to the new order.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 6 | Part 3

We take a look at the active and spiritual life that informed the early Norbertine community--the same hospitality and spirituality that guides the order to this day.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 6 | Part 2

When the success of a community begins to outgrow its founder, it becomes time to set down some rules!


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 6 | Part 1

Norbert shows great courage and steadfast faith at a series of exorcisms, which helps sway public opinion in favor of his new order and its work. We reflect a bit, here, on the importance of relics in the medieval Church.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 5 | Part 3

As Norbert and his companions settle into their work, Norbert's reputation as an honest and ardent man of God spreads, earning him the admiration of an unlikely character.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Meet the Author | Part 2

In this second part of our interview, Fr. Doiminique-Marie reflects on his relationship with the life of St. Norbert, and what drew him to tell the story of this holy Saint to modern audiences.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 5 | Part 2

Unhappy with the new order’s spiritual work, demonic forces and human weakness conspire to tempt the canons from abandoning their holy way of life. But amidst these spiritual battles, this new “spiritual militia” grows slowly and steadily in holiness.‍


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 5 | Part 1

Norbert works to establish a monastery in his new home and begins his life with his new companions. A short journey gathers some important, early disciples: holy men like Evermode, Anthony, and Hugh. Norbert is inspired by the virtue of these early recruits. But beyond this, Norbert finds in these companions true friendship. 


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 4 | Part 3

With the help of Pope Callistus and Bishop Bartholomew, Norbert begins to channel his reformist zeal into something lasting. And after a little trial and error, Norbert finds a true path forward—and at last, a home.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 4 | Part 2

Here, at this last milestone before the foundation of the Order of Prémontré, Norbert finds a true friendship and counsel in the bishop Bartholomew. ‍Given his importance to our story, it is worth taking a look at the life and work of this extraordinary bishop.


The Eternal Pilgrim | Chapter 4 | Part 1

The election of a new pope ushers in a spirit of renewal into the Church. Amidst this excitement, Norbert journeys to Reims. There, on a road outside of town, a chance encounter with a bishop sets a series of events in motion that will, in time, change the course of Church history!
